When Does Kingsman Come on Fx Again

Kingsman iii is still happening, fear non, merely it might be a while before we see the finish of the Harry Hart and Eggsy story.

The Kingsman series returned to cinemas with prequel pic The Rex's Human which told the story of why the system was created. Information technology largely focused on the origin story, although Matthew Vaughn did tease that it featured "a few little Easter eggs" for the new movie.

"Ane of them is an Easter egg that'southward screwing us upwardly right now because we didn't quite think it out logically. And now I'yard looking at going, 'Oh f**k. How do nosotros make that work?' So I've sort of screwed myself upwards already," he told ComicBook.com.

We probably won't know exactly what those Easter eggs were until nosotros finally encounter Kingsman 3 though, so Vaughn has got plenty of fourth dimension to work out how to sort out that problematic reference.

ralph fiennes as oxford, harris dickinson as conrad, the king's man

20th Century Studios

What we practise know is that Kingsman 3, rumoured (but not confirmed) to be called Kingsman: The Blue Blood, will wrap up the Harry Hart and Eggsy story. Then without further ado, here's everything you need to know.

Kingsman 3 release date: When is Kingsman 3 released?

We don't yet have a confirmed release engagement for Kingsman 3, simply we do know that filming is set to start on it in 2022. "We're all set up to go," Vaughn told ComicBook.com. "We offset filming in September."

Assuming that does happen, we can expect to see the threequel in late 2023. Kingsman: The Golden Circle filmed from May-September 2016 ahead of its release in cinemas in September 2017.

kingsman the secret service

20th Century Studios

As we've learnt over the by couple of years, nothing is set in stone when information technology comes to production dates or release dates, and so take this all with a pinch of salt for now.

It was originally thought that Vaughn wouldn't be directing the threequel, but he told Empire in August 2020 that he didn't "know what I want to exercise" when information technology came to the new pic, and so he might all the same be back in the directing chair.

Kingsman 3 bandage: Who's coming back for Kingsman iii?

Taron Egerton and Colin Firth will of course be back as Eggsy and Harry Hart for the closing movie of their trilogy. "Nosotros've got to finish off the Eggsy and Harry relationship. The final chapter of their relationship needs to be told," Vaughn told Digital Spy .

Egerton revealed in October 2019 that he'southward seen a finished script, although who knows if it's changed since then: "I'yard really non immune to say anything, just there is a script. It'due south a really cracking idea."


20th Century Studios

Elsewhere, it's less clear who will be back in the tertiary flick.

Both Marker Strong's Hamish Mycroft and Sophie Cookson's Roxy were killed off in the second movie, just considering Harry Hart returned after existence shot in the head, you can't rule anything out.

At the stop of the sequel, Channing Tatum'due south Agent Tequila joined the Kingsman, so expect to run into him back. We could too see the likes of Halle Berry's Amanuensis Whiskey and Jeff Bridges'south Gnaw back if we see the Statesman once more.

channing tatum and halle berry in kingsman the golden circle

20th Century Studios

Given the timeline, we'd be surprised if anybody from The Male monarch's Man (which was gear up during World War I) made an advent. There could always be flashbacks though to bring some of the cast back.

"If people like [The Rex's Human], I'd love to get Ralph [Fiennes], Gemma [Arterton], Djimon [Hounsou] and everyone back and do another. There'due south a lot of historical events we could go through," Vaughn told Digital Spy.

Back in 2017, Egerton revealed that he'd love to human activity alongside Dwayne Johnson as the villain, saying: "I know who the graphic symbol is and it's nothing like this actor, merely I love Dwayne Johnson. I call up he's the right fit for it, but the villain role Matthew has described to me is not Dwayne Johnson."

Kingsman iii plot: What will Kingsman 3 be about?

Outside of information technology telling the finale of Eggsy and Harry Hart's story, we don't know all that much about the plot for the third movie. As with both previous Kingsman movies, await the unexpected.

"People will either freak out in a good style, or freak out in a bad manner, but they will freak out," Vaughn teased in June 2019. "We're literally finishing the script off every bit I speak – but they go on a journey that, if anyone sees it coming, then I'll surrender."

Unsurprisingly, the focus volition exist on the central duo with Vaughn telling Collider in December 2021 that it'll be a "will they or won't they" story.

"It'south the gang coming dorsum together and it'southward one of those moments that when we wrote the screenplay, information technology was very much well-nigh, 'OK, I saw how people loved the relationship of Eggsy and Harry'," he explained.

"And so we just came up with this thing, what could be the ultimate reason for them to either autumn in love or to hate each other forever?"

kingsman the secret service taron egerton and colin firth

20th Century Studios

All Egerton wants from the third pic is for it to be better received than The Gilded Circumvolve was, which he believes got an "unfair kicking".

Don't wait to get any hints from the third story in the Kingsman comics series which was titled Kingsman: The Red Diamond. Though the first Kingsman moving-picture show shared its championship with its comic book source material, information technology didn't tell exactly the aforementioned story.

The sequel was totally dissimilar to the comic book sequel too, and then we dubiousness the third film will take any inspiration from the comic.

Kingsman 3 trailer: Whatever Kingsman 3 footage yet?

The movie hasn't even started filming nonetheless, so there's a long fourth dimension to wait for any footage, nosotros're afraid.

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Source: https://www.digitalspy.com/movies/a864035/kingsman-3-cast-release-date-trailer-plot-spoilers/

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