Beef Fajita Meet in Air Fryer

Air Fryer Steak Fajitas ~ tender, juicy marinated steak strips, onions and bell peppers cooked completely in the air fryer. Layer in flour tortillas with guacamole, salsa, cheese and sour cream.

close up of medium rare sliced steak on a wooden board with guaramole and salsa

Tender, juicy sliced steak with caramelized onions and bell peppers piled into charred tortillas and topped with salsa, guacamole and more. It's one of my favorites and on rotation all summertime.

Once warm weather hits, nosotros take our grill for granted. It's out of hibernation and at the gear up for so many groovy dishes – fifty-fifty Grilled Pizza!

Back in the day, information technology stayed outside all year. We didn't remember twice well-nigh brushing half-dozen″ of newly fallen snow off of it and continuing outside in downward coats and alpine boots simply for the grilled flavor we craved.

I'm not sad those days are over.

Today we're staying warm and dry out makingAir Fryer Steak Fajitaswith tender-crisp vegetables that mimic the meal cooked on the grill.

Friends, if y'all're looking for your new favorite recipe that'll serve as a warm-upwards to summer grilling, thisis information technology.

wood board with medium rare sliced steak, caramelized onions and bell peppers and bowls of salsa and guacamole

You've probably guessed past now how much I enjoy my air fryerAir Fryer Steak Fajitas may be my new favorite thing to brand in it.

Information technology gets a actually delicious dinner on the table in a snap. Add some fresh 5 minute guacamole, shredded cheese, restaurant style salsa and a tangy margarita and I'm all set.

The marinade is uncomplicated, one I've been using for years for grilled fajitas and with just a few simple ingredients yields tons of flavor.

best steak for fajitas:

I utilise either flank steak or as is the example today – pinnacle sirloin – because the grocery store happened to have sirloin purchase-one, go-ane-complimentary. Either cut of meat will work well.


Absolutely! Still doubtful? Check out the gorgeous color on the steak and veggies. The air fryer makes succulent steak with grill-like flavor and minimal cleanup.

wooden board with sliced steak, guacamole, salsa, tortillas and grilled vegetables

what practise i need to make air fryer steak fajitas?

The Fajitas:

  • flank OR sirloin steak
  • red onion
  • green pepper
  • red bell pepper
  • yellow OR orangish bell pepper
  • olive oil
  • table salt and pepper

Marinade Ingredients:

  • olive oil
  • dearest
  • soy sauce
  • whole lime
  • garlic cloves
  • black pepper


  • flour tortillas
  • suggested toppings: guacamole, salsa, cheese, sour foam

how to make steak fajitas in the air fryer:

To marinate the steak, add together the marinade ingredients to a nil tiptop bag, whisk together and so place the meat (whole) in the bag. Seal and refrigerate at to the lowest degree two hours upward 8 hours.

When you're ready to melt, remove the steak from the fridge and drain the marinade. Blot it dry with paper towels, let it come to room temp then slice into strips.

Cut the onions and peppers into like size pieces. Drizzle 1 tablespoon of olive oil over the top, flavor with salt and pepper to gustation then toss to coat.

Preheat the air fryer for three minutes at 400 degrees. Place the peppers and onions in the air fryer handbasket and cook for eight-10 minutes pausing halfway to give them a good shake. When they're cooked to your liking, remove from the air fryer to a basin and set aside.

Drizzle the remaining tablespoon of olive oil over the steak strips, season with common salt to taste and toss to coat.

Add the steak strips to the air fryer and melt for six-eight minutes or to your preference (bank check with a meat thermometer for doneness) and then remove from the air fryer. Optional: to reheat the vegetables, return to the air fryer for 1 minute then serve.

TIP: I lightly char my flour tortillas on both sides over a low flame on the gas stove just earlier serving.


Hither are a few of my favorites:

Guacamole– easy, authentic fresh guacamole you lot make in just 5 minutes. Creamy. delicious, tangy lime-garlic flavor.

5 Minute Blender Salsa– v minute restaurant style salsa fabricated in the blender from canned tomatoes + a few spices. Incredibly delicious, loaded with assuming flavor and sure to go your #ane titbit.

Castilian Rice– you're just 5 ingredients abroad from this delicious Mexican rice. Perfectly cooked with lots of flavor. The ultimate side dish to any Mexican entrĂ©e.

Mexican "Fried" Ice Cream – similar the archetype Mexican dessert you see in restaurants but in cake form. Vanilla water ice foam with a crispy honey-cinnamon "fried" Corn Flake blanket drizzled with fudge and caramel, topped with whipped cream and fresh strawberries.


pinterest pin - closeup of medium rare sliced steak on a board with guacamole and air fryied vegetables

If you tried this Air Fryer Steak Fajitas recipe or any other on the blog then I hope you'll leave a annotate and some stars!

Do we share a love of easy, tasty recipes? LIKE ME on FACEBOOK, FOLLOW along on TWITTER, INSTAGRAM and PINTEREST and SUBSCRIBE ⇓ for all the latest.

steak fajitas + what to serve with fajitas

The Fajitas

  • ane 1/2 pounds flank OR sirloin steak
  • 1 medium red onion sliced
  • 1 minor green pepper
  • one/2 pocket-sized red bell pepper
  • 1/ii pocket-sized orange OR yellowish bell pepper
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil divided
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • flour tortillas

Steak Marinade:

  • 3 tablespoons olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons honey
  • 1/4 cup soy sauce
  • 1 whole lime juiced
  • iii cloves garlic rough chopped
  • i/two teaspoon black pepper

Suggested Toppings:

  • guacamole
  • sour cream
  • cheese
  • salsa
  • Add together the marinade ingredients to a zip summit bag then identify the meat (whole) in the bag. Seal and refrigerate at least 2 hours up 8 hours.

  • When yous're ready to cook, remove the steak from the refrigerator and drain the marinade. Blot it dry with paper towels, let it come to room temp and then slice into strips.

  • Cutting the onions and peppers into similar size pieces. Drizzle 1 tablespoon of olive oil over the summit, flavour with salt and pepper to taste then toss to coat.

  • Preheat the air fryer for 3 minutes at 400 degrees. Place the peppers and onions in the air fryer basket and cook for 8-10 minutes pausing halfway to give them a good shake then remove from the air fryer to a bowl and gear up aside.

  • Drizzle the remaining tablespoon of olive oil over the steak strips, season with salt and toss to coat.

  • Add the steak strips to the air fryer and cook for 6-viii minutes or to your preference (check with a meat thermometer for doneness) then remove from the air fryer. Optional: to reheat the vegetables, render to the air fryer for 1 minute then serve.


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