Can You Make Burgers With 93 Lean Beef

Tomorrow is 4th of July and I'll brand a safe bet you have a barbecue to become to and that there will be some hamburgers in that location. If the barbecue is your own, I await that you'll be grinding your ain meat, just what to do if it's non your own and y'all show up to detect burgers are existence fabricated with lean ground beefiness, say a 93/7 (or even a 90/x) mix of meat to fatty? You know this will outcome in dry burgers, but you lot also know that there probably isn't any beef or pork fat just laying around to add to the mix to prepare the problem. In that location is a solution though, one that you should be able to whip up in a jiffy anywhere yous go to save the masses from dry burger nastiness!

Lean Beef

This was almost the exact situation I found myself in last weekend. Kris and I headed upwardly to Army camp Daphne, for a weekend of relaxation deep in the hills of Woodstock. Every camp needs a cookout, and eyes pointed in my direction when information technology came to making the burgers. The food shopping was done earlier I arrived and I was given 2 packages of footing beefiness to work with, one 93/7 lean and the other 90/10 lean. I take a reputation to live up to as a Meatmaster, and cooking these packages of ground beefiness equally is would surely atomic number 82 to a dry out burger, ruining not only me, but, more than chiefly, everyones' dinner. I needed fat, and I needed information technology and so and in that location, so I looked to the one found virtually universally, no matter where you are, butter.

Compound Butter

A expert burger should be seared and crusty on the outside, while remaining juicy on the inside. The problem with lean meat is that the within will dry out out way before you develop a overnice outer chaff, or, alternatively, if you lot pull the burger off the grill earlier it dries out, you'll be left with an ugly greyness patty that will lack the depth of flavor and slight crunch that developing a good sear will give you lot. So the flim-flam is to try to continue the burger moist while y'all grill the outside to perfection. This where the butter comes in, if you add a bit of butter into the middle of the patty, it'll cook equally the burger cooks, keeping the insides nice and tender, allowing fourth dimension to develop a crusty exterior.

Butter Burger

Butter is fine by itself, only I figured if it'due south going into the eye of the burger, might as well let it season information technology too. I allow 1/ii a stick of butter come to room temperature, and so mixed in salt and pepper, rolled it into a log in plastic wrap, and put it in the freezer for virtually 10 mins to harden up once again. You could added some extra spices or herbs here, but I personally think a burger should taste similar beefiness, and discover extra flavors mixed into the meat to be a niggling off putting. That's but me though, and I know lots of others who would disagree, so I won't stop y'all from going crazy. To get the butter into the burger, I first formed a patty, then made an indent in the middle to place about 1/2 a tablespoon of the compound butter into. With the butter in, I reworked the patty, forming information technology around the butter, then ended past putting a dimple in the middle of burger to keep information technology from shrinking on the grill.

Butter Burger

Then it was grilling time. The burgers went down over a very hot grill, which I observe best with lean meat because it'll create a sear faster, before the insides start cooking too much. I could see the butter start to cook and seep through the meat just about the time they were prepare to plow. In one case flipped, the butter really started leaking through, but this was fine, since the butter was at that place to season and go on the meat moist, not to all stay inside the burger. By the fourth dimension the burgers were set up to pull over the grill, they were all pretty close to well done, merely with the added butter protection, that doesn't mean they were dry out.

Butter Burger

The end result was a juicy, moist burger fabricated from lean beef (of course I crushed any health benefits to buying lean in the commencement place, simply burgers shouldn't be about wellness benefits). I take to say though, you lot volition not attain burger greatness with this butter burger. Even though I succeeded in generating a juicy burger, that juicy is not beef fat, and it lacks the deep meaty flavor that you lot'll get by grinding your own or purchasing fattier ground beef. I share this with yous so you lot can exist a hero, and save everyone tomorrow from the dry burger hell that I'grand sure runs rampant on the 4th of July. Our forefathers certainly did not fight for our Independence for us to swallow dry burgers, so become make American proud.

Print Recipe

  • Yield 6 servings
  • Prep x Minutes
  • Cook 8 Minutes
  • Total 18 Minutes


  • 2lbs lean ground beefiness
  • 4 tablespoons unsalted butter
  • 1/2 teaspoon kosher table salt
  • i/2 teaspoon ground black pepper


  1. Bring butter to room temperature (or soften in the microwave) and mix in the salt and pepper. Spoon butter onto a piece of plastic wrap, and so wrap the butter in the plastic, forming a log about 1 inch in bore. Place the butter in the freezer for ten minutes, or until firm.
  2. Piece of work 1/3 lb basis beef into a patty and create a dimple in middle using you're thumb. Place 1/two tablespoon of the butter mixture into the dimple and reform the patty around the butter. Season the exterior of the patties with salt and pepper to taste.
  3. Grill the patties over a very hot grill until they're nicely browned on both sides. Remove from the grill and allow to rest for a few minutes before serving.

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  1. Ginny This might exist Kroll'southward hugger-mugger

  2. Alysha Just realized I bought 97/3 by mistake. You just saved the day!

  3. Micah We but did this as we had 93/7 beefiness and they were really good. Cheers for the info.


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